VI Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
6. Verónica limpia el rostro de Jesús
Matthew xxvi ―27 And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this.
27 Et accípiens cálicem, grátias egit : et dedit illis, dicens : Bíbite ex hoc omnes.
Si viéramos que es Cristo el hombre necesitado, el hombre torturado, el hombre prisionero, el asesinado; y en cada figura de hombre, botadas tan indignamente por nuestros caminos, descubriéramos a ese Cristo botado, medalla de oro que recogeríamos con ternura y la besaríamos y no nos avergonzaríamos de él ― Monsenor Romero. 16 Marzo 1980.
If we could see that Christ is the needy person, the tortured person, the prisoner, the assassinated one, the one thrown away with so much indignity on our roads. If we could discover in this rejected one Christ, we would treat this Christ as a medal of gold. We would pick him up with tenderness and kiss him. We would not feel ashamed of him.
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