Friday, August 3, 2007

bush's view on the roles of the Constitution and himself

In a November 2005 meeting in the oval office while discussing the "patriot act" with congressional republicans this exchange occurred:

  • bush: "I don't give a goddam, I'm the president and the commander-in-chief. Do it my way."
  • Other: "Mr. President, there is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution."
  • bush: "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it's just a goddammed piece of paper!"

This is the sort of passage that is quoted in textbooks to define historical personages and events. It really is indicative of treasonous hypocrisy. The oath of the president and all federal government personnel is to defend the Constitution. Is there any outrage outrageous enough for impeachment? and after that condition is achieved, will the question still be moot?

On one of the terribly flawed political chat shows, a discussion about bush's tenure occurred where the thesis was to compare his position vis-a-vis with Truman's --- utter nonsense floated by busheviks for media consumption. An honest discussion would have him falling behind Harding and the worst moments of Grant, Buchanan, McKinley and Nixon. Truman who knew exactly what republicans were would have been furious at the insult.

The man likes to self define himself as a war president; one does not get that distinction by being the creator of a war. In colonial America the colonists were dragged into England's wars and they referred to them as King William's War or Queen Anne's War. This Iraqui war IS bush junior's War. Instead of leadership and judgment we get the chauvinistic, bellicose, braying from a short-tempered, small-minded man, who when he had a chance to go to war transferred to the Alabama national guard and promptly deserted to drink in saloons and chase skirts.

Having poor facility with language one can see when he has been taught a new word or phrase by his ostentatious, yet, clumsy repetition. One remarkable one happened, in a rare rose garden "news conference", on 26 October 2003, when the word of the day was, "causus belli". It truly was embarrassing. This man has a Yale history degree?

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