Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Michael Connell

Michael Connell died, while pilot of his small plane, in northeastern Ohio. The Akron Beacon Journal, on 21 December, wrote and described him as a family man, and a very, impressively, involved, catholic parishioner.

But, there is far more. He was a Republican party operative. His ability in computer information technology made him a rich man, but ominously is reminiscent of a character in The Great Gatsby, the man who fixed the 1919 Series. He owned and ran the computers that, are alleged to have, changed the election results for Ohio in 2004. If this is true, Michael Connell fixed the election for Rove and the Bushes, his frequent customers. From the bushcheney ’04 campaign, he is reported to have, received in the excess of $800,000. He had been involved in Republican campaigns for more than twenty years, including the first george bush, and Rove’s electronic mail system.

If this is true he co-operated with great evil. This has not been reported by the american corporate media*. Independent individuals and internet journalist bloggers have: Velvet Revolution, Larisa Alexandrovna, ePluribus Media, RAW STORY, Brad Friedman, Clifford Arnebeck, Bob Fitrakis.

On the 22nd of September he was subpoenaed, on the 31st of  October he gave a deposition, in federal court concerning rigging the ’04 Ohio election. On the 19th of December he flew to Washington, on the 20th he was dead.

His great, deep and intense involvement with Republican party tactics, has been suggested, to have been, centered on his beliefs concerning abortion. Did he ever realise that the Republicans did not end abortion? Did he wonder about the subversion of government, popular sovereignty, democracy, law, and justice?
*It is often easier to find, and read stories, concerning US political news in the english papers. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/3885913/George-Bush-aide-dies-in-plane-crash.html

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