Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rose Candle


Rejoice! Today the rose candle lights. In Advent we wait anxiously for Our Lord to appear. The days are getting darker, but with His arrival every day becomes more and more bright. The year's physical progression is reflected in the church's calendar, a form of poetical agreement, though critics scoff through their unbelief. As Dickens limned Scrooge before his ghostly encounters provided him a path to enlightened repentance, we have Dawkins and deacons of dire digressions to denounce our season of preparation and eventual celebration. Humbug to those who deal humbug no matter of what faction or flavor. Emmanuel is with us.

The introit antiphon for to-day, the third Sunday of Advent, is :
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Lord is near[nigh]. ~ from Philippians iiii . 4-5.~ gaudete in Domino semper iterum dico gaudete ... Dominus prope

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